Friday, August 1, 2014

Training Ride: 7/23 Nicasio to Drakes Beach

On July 23 I rode with the Grizzly Peak Cyclists' Wednesday group from Nicasio to Drakes Beach.  While off duty for the summer, I've been riding regularly with this group.  They are very friendly.  If you are free on a Wednesday, drop in and join them.

It was a humid day with some rain while I drove to the starting point.  Shortly after turning off Nicasio Valley Road and on to Point Reyes-Petaluma Road we got some drizzle and then some rain.  Fortunately, it was brief, but the humidity stayed all day.  We took the Platform Bridge Road to Olema and then on to Bear Valley Road to get to Sir Francis Drake Blvd.

We rode through all the towns on Sir Francis Drake to the end of the road.  Saw some elk in the distance as I approached Drakes Beach.  It was surprisingly warm and wind free at the beach.  Also, some really good restrooms there; much better than at most public beaches!

We ate our lunches at the picnic tables and watched the waves. 

Following lunch we retraced our route through Inverness Park, then turned on to highway 1 to stop at the Bovine Bakery in Point Reyes Station.  After a break for some baked goods, we left town and got on the Point Reyes-Petaluma Road to return to Nicasio.

Bikes at the beach.

Lunch break at the picnic tables.
54.33 miles
2,324 feet of elevation gain

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