Thursday, August 7, 2014

GPC Novice Ride Series, Ride #1

8/2 & 8/3 (Sat & Sun)  Alameda Creek Trail.  The Grizzly Peak Cyclists offer a novice ride series.  This was the first in the series.  John and I did a pre-ride on Saturday so I would be familiar with the route and I did the official ride as a ride leader with the group on Sunday.  It was a nice ride both times.  It starts and ends at the Union City BART station.  It is only about a mile up Decoto Road to the trail entrance.  We rode from there to the end of the trail.  From there we retraced our path and then went up a little hill on to the Bayview Trail.  We went around the bay side of the path and arrived at the Coyote Hills visitor center.  We continued a little further and then rejoined the Alameda Creek trail and retraced our path back.  On Saturday after the ride John and I went the the Bombay Pizza Co., "home of the curry pizza" and on Sunday the group went to Mr. Kabob.  Both are good places.  There were lots of good views on this ride.  
View of the bay from trail.

Sheep on the hill side, clearing brush.

Close up sheep.
Curry pizza.

20.23 miles
146 feet of elevation gain

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