Thursday, August 7, 2014

Are those all the training rides, part 2

In the previous post, I answered the question "Are those all the training rides?"  The answer is no.  Except for one training ride entry I had been only posting the training rides I had pictures for.  However, I've been trying to get in 130 miles a week, with two of the riding days back to back (to make it more like the 6 day tour).  So, there are more rides, including mountain bike rides.  My part one post listed the additional training rides in June that didn't have pictures.

Here's the July rides without pictures.

7/2 (Wed) Grizzly Peak Wednesday ride: Sort of South Loop of Grizzly Peak Century.  This ride covers some territory of the south loop (afternoon) route of the annual Grizzly Peak Century.  It starts and ends at Lake Temescal rather than Orinda.  We used Old Tunnel to get to Skyline.  Down Skyline and through a corner of the Oakland zoo property. Lunch stop on Foothill Blvd. From there we climbed Lake Chabot Rd., went through Castro Valley to Redwood Rd. Up Redwood to Skyline. Down Butters and the bike trail to get back to Temescal. Stats: 40.56 miles and 3,729 feet of elevation gain.

7/5 (Sat) Mountain biking at Annadel State Park in Santa Rosa.  Santa Rosa is a long way to go for a bike ride, so we usually so a long loop.  This route was just about our normal loop, but we cut out just a bit at the end because I wanted to be sure we got done in time to get the fish tacos at Lepe's.  Last time we were out there, they were closed when we arrived!  I love those tacos!  The reason for the time concern was that we started late to avoid the worst of the afternoon temps.  Annadel is quite rocky and challenging.  This was every bit as much as a training ride as any long, climb-y road ride.  20.62 miles and 2,450 feet of elevation gain.

7/9 (Wed) San Rafael to Bovine Bakery via Samuel P. Taylor State Park, Marin County.  GPC Wednesday ride.  For this ride, we started at Miller Creek Road and Lucas Valley Road at the community center.  It was a warm day in San Rafael.  We headed down Lucas Valley Road and then took Sir Francis Drake, which goes through Samuel P. Taylor park.  My first time here.  There is a paved multiuse trail through the park.  I was happy to have someone with me to show me the way.  It was cool and foggy at SPT.  We emerged back on to Drake, went over the Olema hill and then took Bear Valley before heading back to highway 1 to go to the bakery in Pt. Reyes Station.  Can you tell by now that GPC likes that place?  Return through Nicasio to San Rafael.  Lucas Valley Road is a beautiful stretch and less climbing on the return.  46.93 miles and 2,300 feet of elevation gain.

7/13 (Sun) I started this ride right from my front door and headed out to San Pablo Dam Rd., over the Three Bears (Bear Creek Rd.). That returned me to SPDR where I continued out to Moraga. From there I went through Canyon and up Pinehurst. At the top I turned on to Skyline to Grizzly Peak. At Spruce I headed down through Kensington to home. 46.74 miles and 3,661 feet of elevation gain.

7/16 (Wed).  My friend Debra and I decided to ride up Mines Road.  The forecast was for considerably lower temperatures in Livermore than usual in July and I had never been there, so we decided to do it.  We met at Robertson Park in Livermore, then headed out on S. Livermore/Tesla to Mines Road. It was 30 miles from the park up to The Junction where we stopped for lunch. Most of the climbing on this ride was before lunch.  Despite being cooler than usual, it was still pretty warm.  There was some good cloud cover early in the ride.  The Junction is a bar/restaurant but its closed on Wednesdays.  We figured no one would mind if we ate at the picnic tables outside.  There was a guy inside working.  He came out and I thought he'd tell us to leave, but instead he turned out to be an owner and asked us if we wanted some water.  I really did need more water, so it was a good thing.  We returned the way we came.  We'll save this ride for late fall, winter and early spring.  59.48 miles and 3,978 feet of elevation gain.

7/27 (Sun) Mountain bike ride at Tamarancho in Fairfax.  John and I did our usual route starting from the Marin open space trailhead near White Hill School. I was super happy not to wipe out going down the ravine, like I usually do.  Now I just have to learn how to make it up the other side.  It was pretty warm, but not too bad.  Good eats afterward at the Iron Springs Brewery.  14.51 miles and 2061 feet of elevation gain.

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