Friday, August 1, 2014

Training Ride: 7/12 Point Reyes National Seashore

7/12 After volunteering at the Arthritis Foundation's one day ride through Marin, John and I did a mountain bike ride in the Point Reyes National Seashore.  We started at the Estero trail head off Sir Francis Drake Blvd.  There was a lot of good scenery through the park.  Eventually we can to a paved road that required a lot of climbing in a relatively short distance.  That allowed us to take the Inverness Ridge trail and climb Mt. Vision.

At the top of Mt. Vision is another paved road which we took back down to Sir Francis Drake Blvd. and returned to the Estero trail head.  Unfortunately, I had some mechanical problems on the way down.  Fortunately, John did some road side work and we made it back to the car. 

The weather was cool and foggy in places, especially the final descent on the paved road back to Drake.  My fingers were numb.

17.51 miles
2,327 feet of elevation gain

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