Thursday, September 15, 2016

Winter 2015-16 Rides

After the People's Coast Classic last year, my riding schedule slowed down considerably.  I didn't need to train any more, the days were getting shorter, it was time to catch up on other things that I had left undone while training, etc.  However, I did try to have at least one ride a week, no matter what the weather.

We were down in the South Bay.  It was a cold morning with frost on the ground.

Christmas was approaching soon.  On the tails at China Camp.

It was a rainy and foggy day out on Patterson Pass and here returning on North Flynn.  We started later to avoid rain, but the roads were still wet.

Don't know if you can tell, but I'm totally wet.  No way to avoid the rain this day.

It was a lovely day that felt like spring.  This is at The Junction off Mines Road.  They were remodeling and reopened with a new owner shortly after this ride.

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