Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Day 3: Champoeg to LL Stub Stewart State Park

As predicted, we woke up to some sun with high wispy clouds.  The day was beautiful with a cool to cold wind.  

I did yoga again this morning to get the muscles moving and then hit then hit the road.

We continued on scenic country and back roads.  There were a lot of rolling hills and wineries along the way.  In fact, our first rest stop was at a winery.  The view from their patio was great.  Not being much of a wine connoisseur and with over 25 miles still to go, I didn't do any tasting.
View from the winery tasting room.

 After the rest stop there were more rolling  hills and then some flat sections through family farms.  The weather got better and better, enough so that I took off the arm and leg warmers.

Deserted farm.
Why doesn't anyone harvest any of these apples?
At rest stop #2, I met Sawyer, our soon-to-be 5-year-old honoree.  He also has juvenile idiopathic rheumatoid arthritis.  He's doing well on medication.

Immediately upon leaving the rest stop we entered the Banks Veronia trail all the way to the state park.  It is a rails to trails conversion.  It was a lovely forested paved trail including ferns and moss.

Trail to campground

View from the trail.

Into each life a little rain must fall...and so it did.  Towards the last part of the trail I started feeling drops.  In fact, I had seen menacing clouds even at the rest stop.  The trees were stopping most of it for a while, but when it started to really rain instead of just a few drops, I put it in a high gear and took off to try to be in camp before getting soaked. 

I was one of the first to camp because so many had stopped earlier at a restaurant and lingered.  I got a snack and waited to see what the weather would do before setting up my tent.  It went from light rain to real rain with thunder!  

I decided to take a shower to clean up and warm up.  By the time my shower was done, the sun was out again!  It stayed clear until sunset and is predicted to be lovely tomorrow.

Sawyer and his family joined us for dinner.  His dad told us about their experience as a family with Sawyer's illness.  Fortunately, the medication is working.

Lake along the road.

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