Thursday, September 15, 2016

Meet Cap'n Pete. He's got arthritis and he's riding the tour.

Like Dave Hall, Pete Staylor is a Champion of Yes.

How amazing is Cap'n Pete? He is a veteran of the Arthritis Bike Classic – Oregon AND a 12 time veteran of the California Coast Classic (CCC.) In 2015 Pete rode both the ABC-OR and the CCC just 12 months after a bilateral knee replacement.  That is 888 miles on new knees, raising $10k! 

When Cap'n Pete began his adventure his goal was to find a cure for Arthritis. He wanted his knees back, yet he learned it was about so much more. It was about everyone. As he told Riverside Magazine "I started doing this because it was self-serving. I wanted to find a cure because, God, I wanted my knees back, and that's what I was hoping for. Then when you find out how many people have it and how many kids have it, it's like, 'Oh my God.'" 

Now Cap'n Pete rides with an unrivaled enthusiasm for others, not for himself. For the men, women and children who stare down the great battle of arthritis each and every day. Cap'n Pete is always there at the end of each mile with a smile, a warm hug and an encouraging word. Join Cap'n Pete and every Champion of Yes as we take on Oregon from our bicycles in 2016!

You can read even more about Cap'n Pete in OR Bike at

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