Saturday, September 5, 2015

Training Ride 8/30: Calaveras Loop

In previous training seasons I have done more rides that were on consecutive days to be prepared for a week of days in the saddle when on the bike tour.  I haven't done as much this year because it really sucks up most of the weekend and makes it hard to get anything else done.  However, I decided that as the end of this season's training was coming near, I needed to add a consecutive day of riding.  So, despite all the climbing the day before for Big Basin, I joined the California Deaf Wheelers for their monthly road ride on 8/30. 
Group picture before take off.
We met at the California School for the Deaf in Fremont and then headed through some residential streets to connect with Niles Canyon Rd.  It was much nicer than going down Mission Blvd., which is how I have gotten on to Niles Canyon with all the other groups I have ridden with. 

When we turned on to Niles we ended up behind a very large group on same route, Avila cycling.  I couldn't find any listing for them when I did a Google search.  I wish I knew more about them and what their event was.  Being behind this large group on such a narrow road, we were slowed down.  We regrouped at corner of Niles and Calaveras Rd, which allowed the Avila group to get ahead of us and spread out a bit.

Our group of about 10 people, turned on to Calaveras.  Calaveras rolls a little for a few miles and then begins a gentle climb.  I was worried that I'd be toast on the climb due to all the climbing the day before, but I took it slow and steady and everything was fine.  The guys on this ride are mostly faster than me, so I found most of them waiting in the shade at the false top where the dam construction entrance is.  It was pretty warm out and still a bit humid from the day before.

After regrouping, we continued on to the down hill and rolling sections.  There was a nice cool breeze once past the false top.  We met again at the top and then went down "the wall" and into Milpitas. 

I don't really know my way around this part of the Bay Area and there was no route sheet, so I tried to stick close to at least one other person at all times so I wouldn't miss a turn.  We took a variety of residential streets until we reached Mission Blvd. 

When I got to Mission, I'd gotten dropped by the people in front of me, but I knew someone was behind me, so I waited for him to arrive and tell me which way to go.  I thought it would be left, but it turned out to be right.  Good thing I waited.  After thinking about it for a while as I rode on, I realized I should have known to go right from the several times I have been this way with other groups.  Oh well.

We continued on Mission Blvd, where we found the others waiting for us near Ohlone College.  We continued together in a sort of pace line to Stevenson Blvd. and turned left.  We were almost back to the school and the end of the ride when our ride leader got a flat just before the last corner (Gallaudet Dr.)  He changed the tire quickly and we went around the corner and into the school's parking lot.  It was a nice warm day, but not too hot.  Because this was a relatively fast group, we got done before noon, which was great for me.  I had a bunch of chores waiting for me at home.

38.88 miles
1,896 feet of elevation gain

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