Saturday, September 5, 2015

Training Ride 8/26: Wednesday Night Ride

Mary and I took our usual Wednesday night route from Rockridge, up Old Tunnel Road and then up Grizzly Peak.  Most evenings it starts cool or turns cool and foggy by the time we reach the steam trains, if not before.  Tonight, however, it was a beautiful evening, allowing us to be out in shorts and short sleeves.  At the intersection of Grizzly Peak and Golf Cousse Rd., we regrouped and took a moment to appreciate how lovely the night was.

We continued through Tilden Park.  At the end of Wildcat Canyon Road where it intersects with San Pablo Dam Rd. I waited for Mary to catch up.  I was surprised to see two women leading horses pop out from a very small trail near the intersection.  They waited for the light to change at the corner, led the horses across the Dam Rd. and then continued on the horses on another tiny trail on the Bear Creek Road side.  Mary just missed them.
Horses crossing San Pablo Dam Road.
We continued down the Dam Rd. to the Orinda BART station and took BART back to Rockridge.  Even though the sun was all the way down and we had our lights on, it was still warm out.

21.08 miles
2,126 feet of elevation gain

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