Friday, September 11, 2015

People's Coast Classic (PCC) Bike Tour for the Arthritis Foundation Day 00

9/11:  Today was a travel day.  I did some last minute packing, went to the ATM, packed a lunch and then set out on BART.  I sent my bike ahead to Newport Bikes about a week earlier and a few days ago sent my camping gear in the car with Jennifer from the Arthritis Foundation's San Francisco office, so I only had one rolling suitcase with me.

This was the first time I've used the connector between the coliseum station and the Oakland airport.  It was very easy to use and worked well.

Six of us were on the flight.  It wasn't a very  big plane.  In fact, it had propellers.  First time for me!
We arrived in Portland, collected our stuff, which included 4 bikes in boxes and cases plus various luggage and took a shuttle to the hotel. 

Kim and I got a good nap in before meeting the group for dinner.  We had a great time at the Kennedy School, a former elementary school that has been transformed into a hotel, restaurant, bar, and movie theater.  I'd like to come back and spend some time here.

That's it for today.  Tomorrow we will take a bus at midday to Astoria and start camping.

Propeller plan we took from Oakland to Portland.
Cycling enthusiasts in Oregon can have a license plate that shows their support of cycling.

Mary and Kim collecting their bikes at the oversized luggage claim.

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