Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Where do the funds raised by the Arthritis Foundation go?

The funds raised by cyclists like me who participate in the multi-day or single-day tours are used in many ways to benefit those with arthritis.  One of those was is Camp Milagros, Northern California's only summer camp for children with arthritis.  Many people think of arthritis as something that only happens to old people, but in fact two-thirds of people with arthritis are under 65-years-old.

Juvenile Arthritis camps provide education, networking and fun for kids and teens with arthritis. Campers take part in activities designed to help them increase self-confidence, improve arthritis self-management, and develop leadership and communication skills all while making new friends who share similar challenges.

In my first year of training for one of the Arthritis Foundation's bike tours, I had the opportunity to visit Camp Milgros.  It was a great experience to meet the kids and camp counselors.  Unfortunately, most of my pictures were lousy, but I have included a couple.
Art time in the camp's yurt.

The camp is set in the Livermore hills.
 You might be more interested in the following video where some of the campers tell you why the camp is so important to them. http://youtu.be/mF2d8kq2GBQ

For every $1,000 raised, a child can go to camp at no cost to the family.

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