Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Mountain Bike Ride 8/4: Big Rock Trail

Today was a short ride to see a trail I have not been on before.  Big Rock Trail departs from a trail head on Lucas Valley Road in San Rafael.  It was warm and sunny when I left my house in the morning, but the weather was grey and cloudy by the time we arrived at the trail (as predicted by the forecast I saw before leaving).  

Although it didn't look the very good at the start weather-wise and it was windy, too, it actually felt quite warm and humid going up the trail.  The trail is mostly a fire road that climbs up.  It goes through and around the Lucas Valley Preserve.  After about 2.5 miles, Redwood Canyon Fire Trail comes in and we continued on that.  At mile 3.6 we reached a peak that had a radio/cell tower.  We stopped there and returned the way we came, but it does continue as Big Rock Ridge Fire Trail.  There was a lot of wind on the ridge with the tower, so we didn't stay too long, even though the view was good.  Having sweated a lot to get there, the wind made us cold.

The grade isn't too steep, there are a few larger rocks, but not much; no real obstacles.  Because it has been some time since there has been any rain, there was some loose dirt and small rocks, but not difficult to manage.

A view from the trail.

View from the ridge.

The trail continues, but we turned around here.
The radio tower.
7.13 miles
1,472 feet of elevation gain

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