Sunday, August 23, 2015

Training Ride 8/12: Old Tunnel Rd. and Grizzly Peak

Now that I am back to work, my Wednesday rides have moved from day to evening.  I took my bike with me to work in the car.  At the end of the day, I changed at work and drove over to Rockridge Peets to meet Mary and Kim.  

It was a warm afternoon when we headed out.  We have a few routine routes that we use for these night rides.  The most common one is the one we did:  ride through Rockridge to Ashby and then continue up to Old Tunnel Road.  As always, there were plenty of other cyclists out getting in some miles before dark.  

We regrouped at the intersection with Grizzly Peak Blvd. and then went up GP.  The weather started to change while on GP and when we regrouped at the steam trains, I put on leg and arm warmers.  

From the steam trains, it is down hill to Golf Course Rd.  More down hill on Golf Course and then momentum will sweep you up most of the rest of the way up until a little past the course entrance.  There is a very short but surprisingly steep bit as the momentum is winding down.  Fortunately, it isn't long but it can catch you, if you aren't expecting it.  At the top, a left turn leads into Wildcat Canyon the Brazilan Room  There is a little bit of rolling hills to Inspiration Point and then a great down hill to San Pablo Dam Road.  

We regrouped again at the intersection and then headed east to the Orinda BART station.  We took BART one stop to Rockridge station.  It was dark by the time we arrived in Oakland, so we switched on our lights and headed back to Peets.

Although it is not a lot of miles, for the number of miles it is, this route packs in the climbing (and fun downhill, too).

19.34 miles
2,046 feet of elevation gain

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