Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Training Ride 7/28: Old Tunnel Road & Grizzly Peak

It was fairly warm today, so I waited to do a bike ride until late in the day when the temperatures were coming down.  I rode off from home and into Berkeley.  I took the Bike Blvds: Milvia over to Russell, on to Hillegass and then up Woolsey.  I crossed Claremont in Rockridge and headed further up hill on The Uplands (nicely avoids the narrower part of Ashby Ave.), to Tunnel, and then Old Tunnel Road.  

The first part of the climbing on Tunnel and Old Tunnel were exposed and hot, but after that, there was more shade and it was more comfortable.  At Broadway, Old Tunnel becomes Skyline Blvd.  At the top of the climb (at Grizzly Peak and Skyline), I debated what to do, given the time and amount of light left.  I decided to take Grizzly Peak Blvd rather than continue on Skyline to Pinehurst or other destination.  There were some great views on Grizzly Peak.
Looking toward San Francisco.  Pretty clear, but fog was settling in in the City.  Taken from a random spot on Grizzly Peak Blvd.

Another shot toward SF.  Taken from one of the pull outs/viewing spots favored by motorcyclists. 

One of the graffiti-ed logs at the pull out.  If you have driven or biked on Grizzly Peak, you have seen this place.

I continued on Grizzly Peak to the intersection with Spruce.  I headed down Spruce but instead of my usual route home, to add a few more miles, I followed it down to Virginia and then got back on Milvia to return home via Solano and Ashbury.  

At that point, the mileage was still a little low, so I continued past home to Moser Lane and then back home.  Timing was just about right with the sunset, so I didn't need to use the light I had brought

25.35 miles
1,964 feet of elevation gain

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