Sunday, July 19, 2015

Training Ride 7/'8: Pinole to Martinez

The Wednesday ride was leaving from Pinole Valley Park on Pinole Valley Rd.  I decided to ride over from home.  I took a route through El Cerrito and Richmond to San Pablo Dam Road and then over to Castro Ranch Rd.  I went over the hill and into Pinole.  I gave myself plenty of time to get to the park, since I wasn't sure how long it would take.  I ended up being pretty early and we left a bit late, so there was about an hour before starting the group ride.  

From the park, we went back the way I came, but took Alhambra Valley Road and went over Pig Farm hill.  This one isn't one of my favorites, but it is good training, right?  At the top of the hill were some other riders who had come from Orinda BART and met us.  Although the climb up is one that makes me a bit cranky, the down hill side is great!  It is about 5 miles from the top to Alhambra Avenue, hardly needing to turn the pedals.  We continued on Alhambra into downtown Martinez.  

We had an early lunch break in downtown at the Alhambra Creek Plaza.  After a nice break with some sunny, but not too hot weather, we headed through a residential area to get on to the Carquinez Scenic Drive/George Miller Trail.  This was the first time that I have been along the whole trail and the first time that I have been on any part of it since the intensive repairs were completed to restore it.  (1.7 miles have been restored are gated and closed to car traffic.  More about the trail and restoration:

There are great views all along the road/trail.  It rolls and climbs along the length of it, even when back on to road.  Although the road is shared with cars, traffic is light in the area.  We passed the Bull Valley Staging Area at Carquinez Strait Shoreline Park.  A good spot for a break or a hike.

View from the trail.

Coming to the end of the George Miller Trail.  That's me in the back.  Thanks to Nancy Yu for sharing her photos.  You can see more of her photos at
We continued along the road, with a brief scenic detour to stay near the shore, and then into Crockett.  We exited town, went past the refinery, and then went through Rodeo and Hercules, primarily on San Pablo Avenue, before arriving in the old part of Pinole.  I've been on these roads, but always in the other direction.  Too bad we had quite a head wind today.

We returned to the park via Pinole Valley Rd. for the end of the group ride. After a break to say good bye, a small group of  us continued back over Castro Ranch Rd, San Pablo Dam Road, and then Wildcat Drive to return home.  There were some significant head winds continuing during this section.  However, after getting into Tilden Park, the wind did stop.  At the corner of Grizzly Peak and Wildcat, I set off by myself to go home through Kensington, Albany and El Cerrito.

That's my bike in the back.

Michael, Nancy and Phil at the end of the group ride in Pinole.

60.54 miles total
3,759 feet of elevation gain

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