Friday, July 24, 2015

Mountain biking 7/20: China Camp

I joined two friends of John's, Chris and Adam, for a loop around the front side of China Camp State Park.  John mountain bikes regularly with Chris.  This was Adam's first mountain bike ride. 

It was a warm day, but it turned out to be not too hot due to a cooling breeze that came up.  I had filled my hydration pack with two trays of ice cubes, expecting HOT temperatures, but luckily it wasn't that bad.

The route we take starts at the entrance to Miwok Meadows.  That provides a good warm up before beginning climbing.  There is one main climb that covers about 2 miles.

Because it was a weekday, it was very quiet in the park.  We did happen to see two electric recumbent bikes along the way.  I've never seen bikes like that, even on the road, much less off road.

The climbing was challenging for Adam.  I could really empathize.  The first time I went to China Camp was early in my path of taking up cycling as an adult, so I was not very fit; it was also a warm day.  I had to stop over and over on the trail to rest before I could get to the top of the climb.  

After the main climbing is finished, the trail is mostly down or rolling, with a few flat spots.  

View of Peacock Gap and out to the bay from China Camp.

9.04 miles
990 feet elevation gain (but I could swear Gamin gave me a different number in the past for the same route)

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