Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Training Ride 7/1: Nicasio to Drakes Beach

Now that summer vacation is here, I have been able to join the regular Wednesday morning ride on the Grizzly Peak Cyclists schedule.

We started at the ball field in Nicasio, then headed out on Nicasio Valley Rd. and over to Platform Bridge Rd, then over the Olema hill.  It was a good day to be cycling in West Marin (where temperatures are usually cool or moderate) because it was forecasted to be over 100 degrees in many in the valleys and 80s and 90s elsewhere.
Here we are getting ready to take off.  There was a large group on this ride.  Thanks to Nancy Yu for sharing her photographs.  You can see more of her photos and read her blog at RideChronicles.com
After the Olema hill we turned on to Bear Valley Rd. and continued until it ran into to Sir Francis Drake Blvd. in Inverness Park.  We continued on Sir Francis Drake to the Y near the end of the road.  We took the left to go to Drakes Beach.  The tule elk were out, but too far in the distance for any pictures.  Drakes Beach is part of the Point Reyes National Seashore.  You can read more about it and other beaches that are part of the national seashore at http://www.nps.gov/pore/planyourvisit/beaches.htm.

Lunch break at Drakes Beach.  A cool breeze was blowing. Photo by Nancy Yu

View from the picnic area at Drakes Beach.  Photo by Nancy Yu.

We returned the way we came on Sir Francis Drake Blvd.  Not far from Drakes Beach, I stopped at North Beach at the suggestion of Bob Hallet.  Bob knows his birds and spotted a bald eagle on our way back to Drake Blvd. after visiting the small beach.

North Beach.  It was cool and windy at Drakes Beach, but surprisingly warm at North Beach, not far away.

Cows from one of the ranches that line Sir Francis Drake Blvd.

View down Sir Francis Drake Blvd.  Photo from Mark Sapiro.

In Inverness Park, we continue on Sir Francis Drake Blvd. and at the T, make a left turn on to highway 1 to go into Point Reyes Station and have a break at the Bovine Bakery. 
Entrance to Bovine Bakery.  They have all kinds of yummy treats!
The break in Pt. Reyes Station was very pleasant.  The temperature was warmer than usual there but not too hot.  From Pt. Reyes Station we returned to Nicasio via the Pt. Reyes-Petaluma Highway.  It was hot near the reservoir and into Nicasio.  It was a good day to be near the beach.

55.28 miles
2,483 feet of elevation gain

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