Thursday, July 9, 2015

Training Ride 6/20 El Cerrito to Bearclaw Ride and back

I rode from my house in El Cerrito to the Orinda BART station to meet a group of Grizzly Peak Cyclists for the Bearclaw Bakery ride.  I wasn't sure how much time to allow for the ride to the BART station from home, so I planned a comfortable amount of time plus a little cushion when I set my alarm the night before.  It was too bad that I didn't also turn on the alarm.  I woke up quite late, almost time to leave the house.  I scrambled around and was out the door a little late but not too much so.

My route took me up Spruce, over and down Wildcat Drive and then a short distance on San Pablo Dam Rd to the BART station.  Fortunately, the ride didn't take as long as I planned for, so I arrived to meet the group in plenty of time.

The ride to the Bearclaw Bakery is a monthly social ride offered by the Grizzly Peak Cyclist club.  The pace is mellow and there is a long break at the bakery to enjoy a treat before returning.  The ride goes along San Pablo Dam Road, over Castro Ranch, and then along Pinole Valley Road to the historic old downtown Pinole.  Around and behind the bakery are murals with local historical events and figures.

After the break at the bakery, we returned the way we came.  At Wildcat Drive, I returned back over the hill to go home.

45.71 miles
2,958 feet elevation gain

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