Monday, July 6, 2015

Training Ride: 6/6 San Mateo-Pacifica-Half Moon Bay-Woodside

We started in the Crystal Springs area in San Mateo with sunny and warm weather.  We got on highway 35 and went to Pacifica .  Weather was cooler but still nice when we got on highway 1. 
The beach in Pacifica
 At Devil's Slide we took the scenic bypass of the tunnel.  Weather started to fog over and get very windy.
The view along the scenic bypass of the Devil's Slide tunnel.

We continued south on highway 1 until Half Moon Bay when we stopped for a break to get out of the wind.  After the break, we returned to highway 1 and continued to Tunitas Creek Road.  Shortly after turning inland at Tunitas Creek, the sun came out again and the temperature went up, but was still manageable due to all the shade.

Taking off a layer of clothing now that the sun is out.
At the top of Tunitas Creek, we continued down King's Mountain Rd and then over to Canada Road in Woodside.  The head wind was up along Canada and I ended up accepting a ride back to the start from some friends who had parked along Canada.

56.37 miles
4,210 elevation gain (about half just on Tunitas Creek)

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