Sunday, July 30, 2017

New Cycling Activities this Summer

I have two new activities this summer that also contribute to my training for the fall Arthritis Foundation Tour in September.
If you saw the blog entry about spring riding, you will see that I took up riding a tandem with my neighbor, Kit.  She and I took a break in May, but resumed tandem riding in June.  BORP (Bay Area Outreach and Recreation Program) at Aquatic Park in Berkeley loans adaptive bikes to those who need something a little special.

Getting ready to take off from BORP for a tandem ride.

View from Yerba Buena Island back toward Bay Bridge.  I took this photo on one of the rides Kit and I have done this summer.  If you didn't know, the Bay Bridge bike path now connects to Yerba Buena Island!

BORP’s Adaptive Cycling Center in Berkeley has the country’s largest and most diverse collection of cycles for use by people with physical disabilities. BORP offers orientation and training to new riders, independent use of our cycles, and group rides.  BORP's mission is to advance the lives of people with physical disabilities through sports and recreational activities.  They provide services for all kinds of sports.

For more information about BORP's cycling program or to become a captain for a rider with a visual impairment, check out their site:

Also this training season I've added spin classes at CycleBar in Berkeley, a new experience for me.  I have enjoyed adding this activity to my regular riding.  No need to be a cyclist to take their classes.  Plenty of people there never hit the road on a bike.  If you have been thinking about trying it, they offer a good package for new students.

With Cycle Bar instructor Cat after a work out

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