Tuesday, July 29, 2014

2/15 Tranining Ride: Patterson Pass

February 15 we met in Livermore, headed out on S. Livermore/Tesla Road, took Cross Road and then went up Patterson Pass.  That's a challenging climb.  Great descent through the wind turbines.  Instead of the usual cyclist route over to Altamont Pass, we continued on Midway and eventually got on a bike path that ran along the aqueduct until we reached Corral Hollow.  We returned by Corral Hollow, another challenging climb with a headwind.  Lots of good scenery and a good time of year to ride in Livermore area.

Here's the group at the start.  Our trainer Jerry is on the right.

A regrouping stop near Carnegie State Vehicular Recreation Area--the dirt bike place.

Distance: 42.54 miles
Elevation Gain:  2,542 ft.

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